About Me

Hello there!
Thanks for stumbling onto my little corner of the internet! It's nice to have you!
I'm Alyson.

I'm a high school student who loves anything that has to do with creativity, art, writing, fashion, and bright colors.
I was born and raised in the South and love everything about it. I'm a lover of corny jokes, major league baseball (go Cubs go!), organizing anything, and having Shaytard's marathons on YouTube.

I started my love for art a long, long time ago, but was never really inspired to take classes or do much with it. My first year of high school my parents really pressured me into taking an art class so I gave in and did (it's a great example of "parents know what they're talking about"). Ever since my love for art has flourished and besides blogging, it's my favorite pass time. 

I also have another blog that I consider my "main blog." I post every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday there so if you want to see more of me go check out that blog. It's all about fashion, lifestyle, and everything in between.

If you have any questions for me just leave them in the comments. I read them all and try to respond to everyone so don't be afraid to share.


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